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School Uniforms and School Hours

Newton Primary School is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment, for students to access a high quality education.

We regularly review all policy documents supporting this policy.

Uniform Policy

Newton Primary School supports the wearing of school uniforms.  The rationale for the wearing of uniforms is stated in the School Dress Code that was developed collaboratively by the school community. 


The wearing of a uniform increases pride in self and school, and we ask for your support.  Uniforms are also an economical way of clothing children as well as lessening peer pressure in relation to styles and fashion. 


It is the school’s policy that students must wear school uniform when attending excursions or inter-school sport.

School Hours

Siren Times


8.30am - Classroom doors open

8.50am - Morning learning session 1

10.50am - Morning recess break

11.10am - Learning sessions 2 & 3

1.10pm - Lunch break

1.50pm - Afternoon learning session 

3pm - Conclusion of school


Please note that children should not arrive at school before 8.30am as staff are not available for supervision prior to this time.

School Premises after hours

The school is not open to the public out-of-school hours unless prior arrangements have been made in accordance with the Deed of License Policy. 

Children are not permitted on the premises unless they are under the control of a teacher or other adult who has the authority to be there.



  • Bottoms - Navy Blue - skorts, leggings, pants, shorts - No denim.        

  • Shirt - Navy Blue and Light Blue trim with LOGO from Uniform Shop

  • Hats - Wide brimmed, legionnaire or bucket style hats are compulsory all year.   

  • Sports Uniform - The summer uniform is appropriate for physical activity.  Each child will also require a faction t-shirt in the appropriate colour for athletics.  Appropriate footwear must be worn for all sport.

The P & C run the Uniform Shop and it opens every second Thursday morning from 8.30am to 9am.   




Student footwear should be safe and appropriate for school activities. Sneakers and enclosed shoes are encouraged to prevent accidents and avoid injuries to feet.


Thongs, scuffs and slip-ons are not considered appropriate and are not allowed. While current fashion trends promote loud colours and flimsy slip on shoes, these are not part of the school uniform and are not suitable for school.




Although discouraged, where jewellery is worn, it must not pose a danger or interfere with the child’s performance of school activities.


Small studs, sleepers and watches are acceptable, while costume jewellery is not considered appropriate.


General Information

  • Makeup and nail polish is considered inappropriate and unnecessary for school. 

  • Personal items such as trading cards, iPods, game boys, virtual pets, etc. must not be brought to school. The school can't accept responsibility for the loss or damage of these items.

  • The practice of bringing mobile phones to school is discouraged. If children do bring a mobile phone to school it must be turned off during the school day and kept in the office. School staff will not accept responsibility for children’s mobile phones during the school day.

  • Parents are requested to name all clothing items that children wear to school. Our lost property bin is usually full of new, unnamed clothing.

Hats and Hair

  • In the interests of child health and well being, we have a ‘No Hat’ Policy, endorsed by the School Board.


  • Broad brimmed school faction hats are available for all students for purchase through the uniform shop. Hats must be worn for recess, lunch, Sport and Phys Ed lessons


  • Any hair that is shoulder length or longer (girl or boy) should be fully tied up or tied back. This also helps in the prevention of head lice infestation.

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