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CARE is our motto

Principal's Message


Education is a life long process and Newton Primary School, along with parents and the community must play a vital role in developing an ongoing “love of learning”.  It must be remembered that our future economic and technological society will evolve more quickly and these children will probably be retrained several times for different types of employment during their lifetime. 


Schools are not just buildings but a collaborative community of students, parents, teachers and the local community with a shared value structure.  Notions of social justice, individual differences, democracy, caring, community responsibility, integrity, ethics, academic rigour and good communication must be central to this school community.


 All students at Newton Primary School are individuals and we must promote a school culture that:

  • develops the whole child,

  • encourages and supports students to be responsible for their own learning,

  • encourages and develops a sense of self motivation and a desire for students to achieve  high standards at their own level,

  • promotes excellence both individually and collectively,

  • strives to achieve a high standard of basic literacy and numeracy skills, and

  • develops skills that utilise technology in the collection, processing and sharing of  information.


With the introduction of the Western Australian Curriculum, a developmental approach to learning has been implemented across all learning areas and augmented with an eclectic, yet explicit approach to teaching so students are presented with a wide range of learning strategies, tools and options.


However, this can not be fully achieved unless the community and the parents are actively involved in the decision making processes that aim to achieve this standard of educational excellence.  Parents have a clear and proper interest in their children’s education and need to be offered the opportunity to become involved in all aspects of their children’s lives – including having access to and working with students in the classroom.  Clearly the more involved parents become in the classroom the more likely they are to be informed when they participate in school decision making.  Thus, a strong school community is an essential ingredient in the continuing development of Newton Primary School.


Truly effective education at Newton Primary School is a joint enterprise between the parents, school and community who work together for the improvement of student outcomes for all children.


Sam Tingle 



School Motto

Welcome to Newton

Our Motto is care

Cooperation and Achievement

Are values we share

Everyone is encouraged to do their best

With responsibility and endeavor

We’re role models for the rest.

We can be adventurous every day.

We love to learn new things in our own way.

From a quarry to a school.

The Newton Primary School site has contributed to significant West Australian icons.  The site, named Congdon's Quarry was mined by William George Congdon from the 1920's.  The limestone was carried to the nearby railway siding near the corner of Edeline Street and Rockingham Road.  The stone was used in construction of the Fremantle War Memorial and the University of Western Australia.


Newton Primary School commenced operating in 1981. The school was officially opened by the Honorable R J Pearce, Minister of Education on the 24th October 1984.  The Director General at the time was Mr Robert L Vickery. The Public Works Principal Architect was W E M Bateman.

Business  Plan Focus


Newton Primary values the development of relationships with students, their parents and the wider community. Our new focus includes Digital Online safety, developing our Reconciliation Plan (RAP) and supporting our students and parents with a range of well being programs.


LEADERSHIP - for all:

Leadership is encouraged for all year groups across many aspects at Newton. Students are given opportunities to grow leadership qualities through roles and programs such as Prefects, Peer Mediators, Sports and Choir Captains, Eco Warriors and ICT technicians.  Students are encouraged to create change by suggesting and actioning ideas. Our staff are encouraged in their leadership aspirations and provided access to training modules to support their personal growth.



Business  Plan Focus


Teaching Quality - staff at Newton Primary aspire to attain high standards , using current practice, evidence based programs, agreed common practices, integration of ICT and differentiation to individually support our learners. 


A focus on assisting our students to develop and attain their own personal goals, as part of their learning journey is a key focus of our new business plan. When students own their learning goals, greater success can be achieved and celebrated.


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