Health and Well-Being
Newton Primary School is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment, for students to access a high quality education.
We regularly review all policy documents supporting this policy.
Pastoral Care
Priority is given to developing a positive self-image and a feeling of belonging in order for our students to become respectful, resilient, self-motivated citizens.
Student voice is being actively sought to provide additional perspective and opportunities at Newton.
Newton has a number of programs that provide social and emotional support for our students.
Teachers teach a range of Health programs designed to support students with developing problem solving strategies and skills to assist them with daily living.
These programs include the Values Program, Zones of Regulation, Protective Behaviours and Aussie Optimism. Teachers also provide additional lunch time activities, like Choir, Drama, additional sports and Lego Club. For students requiring additional support, we have the Rainbow Program, provided by Mrs Stewart. This program assists students to cope with a range of family situations in a confidential program.
School Psychologist
Mrs Michelle Babich is our school Psychologist. As part of our SAER (Students at Educational Risk) policy, students who need additional support are identified and referred to the SAER team.
Mrs Babich works closely with teachers, parents, external agencies and the SAER team to support our students.
Mrs Babich also provides parent sessions such as the Triple P (positive parent program).
School Chaplain
Ms Coral Atikins is our School Chaplain. Coral is at Newton on Thursdays and Fridays. She works closely supporting a range of students and is also available to support parents.
Should you wish to access support from Coral, please call the front office to make an appointment.
Duty of Care
Student safety and welfare is a priority at Newton.
Teachers exercise their professional judgement to achieve a balance between making sure students don’t face unreasonable risk or harm, whilst maximising learning opportunities.
As a parent partner, we invite you to support your child. Regular and punctual attendance of at least 95% will best support your child’s academic progress.
Sick children pose a significant risk to other students and staff. Please ensure sick children are not sent to school. Please refer to the attached chart below.
Behaviour Support
Newton Primary is located in a culturally diverse community. We appreciate there is a range of behavioural expectations and boundaries.
At Newton we are committed to equity, excellence and care. We promote a welcoming school culture that values diversity and fosters respectful partnerships.
This means we demonstrate respect to our peers, our teachers and our parent body. Equally, we demonstrate respect for school and individual property.
We will actively model and teach appropriate behaviours, using evidence informed strengths-based approaches, to support students to succeed in life. Students will be active participants in their own learning and behaviour choices.
Where playground or peer issues arise, teachers and administration will work with students using a positive behaviour approach and emotional coaching. These processes are proven to be beneficial for students developing problem solving strategies and resilience.

Student Peer Mediators
Peer Mediators play an invaluable role at Newton Primary.
Responsible and caring students, working in pairs travel the playgrounds to provide an opportunity for students to be assisted with solving playground difficulties.