Health at school
Children ill at school
When a child is unwell and the teacher is satisfied that this is so, the child’s parent or nominated person will be contacted to collect the child from school. Children will wait to be collected in either the school office or the medical room.
In an emergency, you should endeavour to take immediate responsibility for your child. If you or your nominated contact is unavailable, all reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that medical attention is given as soon as possible.
Child Health Nurse
Our clinical health nurse is Manon Spronk.
Clinical Health Nurses serve as a health contact point for children and their families, providing information, assessment, health counselling and referral. They promote healthy development and well being so students may reach their full potential.
A major part of their work is focused on early intervention and the School Entry Health Assessment program. The service is free and confidential.
If you have any concern about your child's health or development please contact Manon through our school office or at Community Health Base on 9314 0100.
Medical Action plans and details
Children with special medical needs at school must have a written medical action plan. The written plan should be discussed with the teacher and a member of the school’s administration at the commencement of each year and must be reviewed regularly.
The school must be notified immediately if the plan is to be changed and a copy of the new plan should be supplied to the school.
It is important that medical details are kept up to date on school records. Medical information is requested upon enrolment of new children.
Please ensure that the school has your child’s most up to date medical details. If your circumstances change please notify the school immediately
Where a child is required to have prescribed or un-prescribed medication during the school day, a medical action plan must be signed by the parent and reviewed by the Principal
Children receive all of their early immunisations prior to school entry (4-5 Years).
The school requires a copy of immunisation records for all new students upon enrolment.
A child who contracts an infectious condition and all un-immunised children who have been in contact with that child will need to stay home and away from other students for a period of time as advised by the Executive Director of Public Health or a registered medical practitioner.
Head Lice
In accordance with the School Education Act 1999 if lice are found in your child’s hair you will be asked to keep your child at home until treatment has commenced. Your child should return to school when live lice and eggs are removed.
To help control the outbreak of lice at school your child’s hair should be kept tidy and tied back if longer than collar length. If head lice are noticed at school, a letter will be sent home to all children in the class asking parents to check their child’s hair.
No Hat, No Play

In the interests of your child’s health and well-being, our school has a “no hat, no play in the sun” policy which operates for the entire school year.
Non-attendance for Health reasons
Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.
Any student who is known to have contracted a medical condition that may be infectious, contagious or otherwise harmful to health of another person at school will need to stay home and away from other students for a period of time as advised by the Executive Director of Public Health or by registered medical practitioner